Monday, December 15, 2008

File systems on CD-ROM and DVD disks

Normally we used to manually mount/unmount/eject media in CDs and DVDs. AIX offers an automatic management of cd/dvd media using cdromd daemon. This is done by a daemon called cdromd. Cdromd manages a set a cd/dvd drives.

You can manually mount a read/write UDFS with the following command:

# mount -V udfs DevName MtPt
where DevName is the name of the DVD drive and MtPt is the mount point for the file system.

To mount a media in cd0 which is managed by cdromd,
# cdmount cd0

To have the cdromd daemon enabled on each system startup, add the following line to /etc/inittab:

cdromd:23456789:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -s cdromd

Use the below commands to start/sop/list cdromd daemon,

# startsrc -s cdromd

# stopsrc -s cdromd

# lssrc -s cdromd

Here are some examples to manage the media,

To eject a media from cd1,
# cdeject cd0

To ask cdromd if cd0 is managed,
# cdcheck –a cd0

To ask cdromd if a media is not present on cd0,
# cdcheck –e cd0

To unmount a file system on cd0,
# cdumount cd0

To suspend management of cd0 by cdromd, (this ejects the media)
# cdutil –s cd0

To suspend management of cd0 by cdromd without ejecting the media,
# cdutil –s –k cd0

To resume management of cd0 by cdromd,
# cdutil –r cd0

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