Friday, April 10, 2009

HACMP Tips I - Files and Scripts

1. Where is the rhosts file located for HACMP ?

Location: /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rhosts
Used By: clcomd daemon to validate the addresses of the incoming connections
Updated By:
It is updated automatically by clcomd daemon during the first connection.
But we should update it manually incase of configuring the cluster on an unsecured network.

2. What happened to ~/.rhosts file in the current version of HACMP ?

~/.rhosts is only needed during the migration from pre-5.1 versions of hacmp.
Once migration is completed, we should remove the file if no other applications need rsh.
From HACMP V5.1, inter-node communication for cluster services is handled by clcomd daemon.

3. What is the entry added to /etc/inittab for to IP Address Takeover ?

harc:2:wait:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/ # HACMP network startup

4. What is the entry added to /etc/inittab file due auto-start of HACMP ?

5. What is the script used to start cluster services ?


6. rc.cluster calls a script internally to start the cluster services. What is that ?


7. What is the equivalent script for clstart in CSPOC ?


8. What is the script used to stop cluster services ?


9. What is the equivalent script for clstop in CSPOC ?


10. What happens when clstrmgr daemon terminates abmornally ?

/usr/es/sbin/ckuster/utilities/ script ahlts the system.
You can change the default behavior of the clexit.rc script by configuring

11. What script is invoked by clinfo daemon incase of a network or node event ?


This post is under construction.
Please check the updated version in future.

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